حديقه الحيوان

حديقه الحيوان

– Ahmed, Leila, Sami, and Nada were thrilled to spend a day at the zoo, excited to see various animals and learn about their behaviors.
– Their adventure began in the reptile house, where a snake unexpectedly struck the glass, startling them.
– In their attempt to calm down, Ahmed accidentally knocked over a display, causing a commotion and attracting the zookeepers’ attention.
– The zookeepers scolded Ahmed and asked the group to leave the reptile house.
– As they left the reptile house disappointed, they stumbled upon an open door leading to the restricted areas of the zoo.
– Curiosity got the better of them, and they decided to explore the restricted areas despite knowing it was against the rules.
– In the restricted areas, they discovered an injured baby tiger that had escaped its enclosure, and together they managed to calm it down and lead it back to safety.
– The zookeepers praised them for their bravery and allowed them to spend the rest of the day with the tigers, creating a lifelong bond with the majestic animals.

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