

– Once upon a time, there was a widow who lived with her two daughters.
– One day, while the hardworking girl was spinning thread by the well, the spindle fell into the water.
– In a panic, she jumped into the well to retrieve it, only to find herself in a different world filled with beautiful flowers and a bright blue sky.
– The hardworking girl explores the new world, discovering a path leading to a small cottage.
– Inside the cottage, she meets Mother Holle, who offers her shelter and asks for her help with household chores.
– The hardworking girl performs her chores diligently, and in return, Mother Holle rewards her with kindness and blessings.
– After some time, the hardworking girl expresses her desire to return home, and Mother Holle grants her wish.
– The hardworking girl returns home with a heart full of gratitude and appreciation for her own world, embracing her responsibilities with newfound joy.

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