وظائف وفرص عمل في شركة Shell للبترول فى مصر مرتبات تبدا من 5000ج


وظائف وفرص عمل في شركة Shell للبترول فى مصر مرتبات تبدا من 5000ج

أعلنت شركة شل للبترول (Shell Petroleum) عن توفر العديد من التخصصات عن الوظائف الشاغرة لجميع الجنسيات

Job description
Manage Distribution Center Personnel to achieve Corporate HSSE objective
Ensure required training is delivered; hold frequent safety meetings, review local and company results.
Observe/assess individuals.
Conduct incident investigations as required and establish root cause.
Administer individual/group performance recognition.
Assess delivery driver HSSE and customer service by performing ride-along assessments and evaluations.
Construct budget to reflect anticipated recurring and exceptional expense items.
Develop and achieve cost reduction initiatives
Periodically review equipment necessary to service changing customer requirements.
Meet OTIF targets
Meet with the customers in order to gain feedback and further assess customer service requirements
Evaluate changing requirement of route delivery system , Load Planning and Journey Management
Evaluate requirements or demands and deliver mutually beneficial results
Develop working relationship with sales force to ensure customer requirements are met
Arrange staffing level to efficiently support delivery and warehousing activities commensurate with sales volumes


Arrange warehousing facility to efficiently support throughput
Ensure compliance with product handling guidelines
rovide staff coverage during periods of vacation, illness or other absences.
Meet special requests of internal and external customers
Periodically accompany drivers on deliveries to assess policy compliance; work skills, relevant knowledge, and customer interaction

نتيجة بحث الصور عن شركة شيل للبترول

Ensure proper fleet maintenance schedules are performed
Conduct evaluations and training needs assessment for employees.
Perform timekeeping duties
Job Requirements

الكاتب admin


مواضيع متعلقة

9 تعليق على “وظائف وفرص عمل في شركة Shell للبترول فى مصر مرتبات تبدا من 5000ج”

  1. احمد حسين محمد عطيه

    السلام عليكم اولا انا احمد حسين لحام مواسير 6g ومعي شهادات خبره بذالك والله المستعان

  2. هدرا عادل برسوم عطالله

    بكاليريوس تجاره شعبه محاسبه

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